Saturday, August 4, 2012

New Blog!

Heya Jammers! Me and my cousin (cute80249, who is now unicornpuff) recently made an Animal Jam Blog! :) It's called The Animal Jam Lights!

If you'd like to check it out here's the link:

Updates, news, glitches, and more will be posted! Stay tuned! :)


  1. I'll follow the blog if it has a followers button ^.^

  2. Lol, this is going yo be AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE!

  3. Check out this pawsome new animal jam blog:

    COOL SECRETS ARE REVEALED!!! btw plz comment

    1. and yours is so good? please yours is pure crap, no wait pure shit, so really shut the fuck up

    2. shut the fuck up anonymous. your a peice a crap you basterd. and maybe fuck, shit, and crap are the only cuss words you know cause your a first grade bitch!

  4. Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode!

    >> <<

  5. Can you help me? Im new to this whole blogging thing and I just recently created a AJ blog. You seem so cool and your blog looks so awesome i was wondering if you could give me some tips. Please help me i don't know what to do. My blog is TheAnimalJamReporter is that a good name? Please Please Please reply!

  6. Hey 100whitewolf, Cottonball hates AJ so i can help you. After all, i am her cousin :)
    So first, you should post daily make you blog exciting! The blog name is awesome. you should make a jammer of the month on posts or on a page.
    To be more challenging, you could even do Jammer Of The Day. But i think that is advanced level and you have to seek through Jamaa.
    You should put a chatbox up! and you should put up for other links to blogs. I will put your blog up on my blog. And make sure to make a post about scammers and bad jammers, just to warn people. You maybe would want a helper to, ask some of your friends on AJ if they have a blogger account so they can help you with the blog! Or I could do it, I quit AJ about 3 months ago. And I quit blogger kinda. but i could get it back! :) :) :).So yeah, and if you have free chat on AJ, tell your friends on AJ the link to your blog!
    Unicornpuff(AJ User) bye!
